Welcome to the professional development series for the Teaching Equitable Asian American Community History (TEAACH) Act, sponsored by the College of Education at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and approved by the Illinois State Board of Education. This series is funded, in part, by a grant from the Asian American Foundation.
This professional development series has three asynchronous, self-paced modules, each divided into an introduction and three sections. Each module provides important content knowledge, as well as guides you through constructing essential questions, analyzing and creating curricular materials, and reflecting on your learning.
We highly recommend completing a module in its entirety. Illinois teachers are eligible to receive 12 Professional Development Hours (PDH) for completing one full module (Introduction + 3 sections). Illinois teachers who complete all 3 modules earn 36 PDH as well as an Illinois State Board of Education Microcredential.*
*Microcredentials offer Illinois educators a way to demonstrate additional competencies in specialized subjects. Upon completing all three modules in this professional development series, Illinois educators will become eligible to receive a permanent note on their professional educator licenses (PEL) that will show current and future employers that they completed additional, focused training in Asian American community history. You can find more information at this link (scroll down to "List of ISBE-Approved Microcredentials").
Module 1
Introduction to Asian American Issues
An introduction to the Asian American population and the social construction of race in the United States with an overview of Asian American issues and history/herstory/theirstory. 12 PDH
Module 2
Asian American History/Herstory/Theirstory: Race and Citizenship
The history of Asian immigration and the ways US legislation, court cases, and policies restricted immigration, citizenship, and equal access to schooling. 12 PDH
Module 3
Contemporary Issues Facing Asian America
An overview of the complexities of Asian American experiences, Civil Rights Movement(s), Asian American identity, anti-Asian violence, and K-12 curricula. 12 PDH
Instructions: How do I access the TEAACH Canvas Page?
The PD modules are now hosted on Canvas Free For Teachers at the University of Illinois. This course has enabled open enrollment; you can self-enroll in the course at this link.
Alternatively, you can sign up here and use the following join code: D867ND.
You will be prompted to create a Canvas account, which is free.
If you have any tech issues accessing the course, you can contact JC Morgan.
Where did the Google Forms go?
The previous iteration of this professional development series was hosted on Google Forms. As of August 2024, we have moved the program to Canvas Free for Teachers. All submitted assignments remained stored from the previous iteration(s). If you have questions or concerns about your enrollment status and/or progress, please email the TEAACH team.